
Johnson Arts Center

A space for art of all kinds.

The Blaine H. and Loa M. Johnson Center for Community Arts and Education (Johnson Arts Center or JAC) provides a gathering place for artists of all kinds to create, learn, teach, mentor, collaborate, and build community.

The Johnson Arts Center is named after Dr. Blaine Hart Johnson (1915-2005), a beloved art educator that spent his life performing, organizing institutional and community choirs, and educating thousands, young and old, in the choral arts.  Most notably, Dr. Johnson inspired individuals that they could not only be touched by art performed by others, but they had it within them to “find their voice” to produce art that would touch and inspire.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

Thomas Merton

Meet the Board

The Advisory Board of the Johnson Center gives staff counsel and assists with community engagement and strategic planning efforts for the Center. Key organizations and institutions throughout Iron County are engaged with the Johnson Center through the involvement of willing volunteers.

Shannon Dulaney

Carrie Trenholm

Nathan Hofeling

Chris McCormick

Elaine Vickers

Alisa Petersen

Chenille Saunders

Nancy Osborn

Neal Smith

Melinda Pfundstein

Danny Hansen

Jackie Jackson

Brant Wadsworth

Jennifer Wadsworth

Josh Stavros

Karen Johnson

Bruce Johnson

April Orton

Lis Willliams

Kim Sanders

Melissa Wright